Lerne das Team von B・SYNC kennen.
Die Mikropellets unserer Technologie bewahren einen Wirkstoff bis zu 7-8 Stunden, bevor sie in den Körper freigesetzt werden. InventaSpheres® bieten einen innovativen Freisetzungsansatz im Vergleich zu traditionellen Methoden. Diese Plattform ist vielseitig einsetzbar und kann auf unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse abgestimmt werden.
Nachgewiesene Freisetzungsdynamik
Verzögerte Wirkstofffreisetzung
Freisetzung während des Schlafs
Aufnahme im Dickdarm

Patientenkomfort verbessern und die Zeitplanung vereinfachen.
Unsere innovative Formulierung (also die Art und Weise, wie wir die Pellets in B・SYNC ON beschichten) ist patentiert. Wir freuen uns darauf, diese Technologie in Zukunft auch in weiteren Produkten einzusetzen.
Innerer Kern:
Der innere Kern besteht aus den aktiven Wirkstoffen
Polymer Beschichtung:
Die Mikropellets werden mit verschiedenen Polymeren beschichtet
Film Beschichtung:
Die Mikropellets werden durch weitere Film-Schichten geschützt
Die vollendeten Mikropellets werden in eine HPMC Kapsel verpackt
Ultra-schnelles Zersetzungssystem auf Basis von Tricalciumphosphat. Galvita Templated Inverted Particles (Inventacarriers) bestehen aus Mikrokapseln, die mit Wirkstoffen beladen werden können und zu Tabletten mit ausgezeichneter mechanischer Festigkeit komprimiert werden können, basierend auf 100 % natürlichen anorganischen Materialien. Getestet auf dem Markt mit B・SYNC OFF, sind die Tabletten geschmacksneutral, ermöglichen eine ultra-schnelle Zersetzung ohne Wasser. Schnelle direkte Wirkung und hohe Bioverfügbarkeit.
Schneller Zerfall der Tablette
Gutes Beladungseigenschaften
Sensationelle Geschmacksmaskierung
Natürlich abbaubar

Ein Paradigmenwechsel in der Formulierungs- entwicklung für ODT (orodispersible Tabletten).
Die Technologie wird bereits mit über 20 Wirkstoffen erfolgreich verwendet.
Unsere Experten
Dr. Dario Dornbierer
CSODario is a pharmaceutical scientist (ETH Zurich), Swiss Federal pharmacist and...

Dario Dornbierer is a pharmaceutical scientist (ETH Zurich), Swiss Federal pharmacist and clinical psychopharmacologist who specialises in drug development in mental health. After a residency year in a Swiss pharmacy, Dario conducted a PhD in the field of clinical psychopharmacology at the Psychiatric University Hospital in Zurich, where he investigated the antidepressant potential of several drug candidates, applying state-of-the-art neuroscientific methods (EEG, MRI, etc.). With a special focus on sleep pharmacology, he investigated the ability of several compounds to promote deep sleep and improve overall sleeping and waking functions. In his role as CSO, Dario is responsible for all aspects related to clinical sciences and innovation. Dario is passionate about the intricate interplay between the brain and the mind and how chemical substances can dramatically change the way we perceive the outer and inner world. As a pharmacist, I find it exciting to apply cutting-edge technologies to improve the safety, tolerability and efficacy of products. Dario is passionate about spending time with his wife and two kids, gardening and playing various instruments.

Michael has studied chemistry and biology with a Ph.D. from ETH Zurich. He has significant experience from previous R&D roles at leading industrial Life Science organisations in metabolic and cardiovascular health. A serial entrepreneur, Michael has led several start-up companies to profitability, including Siegfried Biologics, Kuros Biosciences and ChromaCon. Besides his assignment with Galventa, Michael is engaged in helping a Venture boutique company, Remora Capital to launch new start-up companies in the field of Cancer/Immunology and Healthy Aging. Having a specific interest in nutraceuticals and healthy aging, Michael works on developing new products, focusing on manufacturing, regulatory and quality issues. Michael supports organizations for disabled children and likes to meet his friends and extended family members to celebrate occasions as they occur. Michael enjoys studying art and history of late antiquity and is fond of classical music.

Michael holds a Master of Science in Molecular Health Science and a PhD in Neuroscience from the ETH Zurich. He specialises in the impact of nutrition and pharmacological substances on health and prevention of chronic diseases and is passionate about the ongoing research and new insights in the supplement industry. During his Doctorate, Michael has investigated the clinical potential of new substances for treating psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety. In his role as Product Development Lead at the B·SYNC parent company, Galventa, Michael is responsible for developing new products based on the latest scientific data. Michael is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and has been a biohacker for many years, following scientific insight that small, incremental changes to his diet and supplementation can enhance his overall health and performance. “I have always dreamt of working within the supplement industry and I am enjoying applying the knowledge and insight gained from my Masters and PHD studies to creating new products at Galventa, and to being part of an exciting start-up initiative.” Outside of work, Michael enjoys meeting his friends, and going to the gym.

Dr Fırat Yerlikaya has previously founded Elixir Pharmaceutical Research and Development Corporation in Ankara, Turkey where he had been working as the Managing Director until he joined Galventa. He comes with a Master's and Doctorate Degrees in Pharmaceutical Technology and previous tenures in Washington DC, where he was invited to the US FDA as an ORISE fellow. Fırat continues his scientific studies with the development of complex pharmaceutical formulations and processes using quality-by-design and chemometric models. At B・SYNC ON parent company, Galventa, Fırat is responsible for supporting the development of formulations, manufacturing processes, scale-up and technology transfer studies, as well as providing analytical methodology and insights. Outside of his academic studies and work, Fırat is a passionate sailor, and enjoys sailing in the seas where Galenos used to live. He also enjoys fine whisky and good food with his family and friends.

Dr Aslihan Arslan is an Award-winning Pharmaceutical Technologist, responsible for managing and leading the development of formulations, manufacturing processes, scale-up and technology transfer studies. Dr Arslan completed her Ph.D in Pharmaceutical Technology, writing a thesis on innovative scientific procedures for increasing the solubility and bioavailability of pharmaceutical compounds and substances using quality-by-design. In her role as Scientific Advisor at B・SYNC ON parent company, Galventa, Dr Arslan is responsible for the development and manufacturing of B・SYNC ON. Outside of her work, Dr Arslan is a devotee of the outdoors with a passion for everything under the sky, including nature, trekking, cross-country skiing, snowboarding and roller skating. She also enjoys photography.
Der Wissenschaft verpflichtet
Lerne unser Produktportfolio kennen. Alle Produkte werden in der Schweiz und in Deutschland produziert.

B・SYNC ON leistet einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Konzentrationsfähigkeit, der Leistungsfähigkeit, der Wachheit und der Aufmerksamkeit beim Aufstehen. Eine Kombination aus Koffein, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B12 und Zink sorgt für einen guten Start in den Tag.* B・SYNC® ON wird vor dem Schlafengehen eingenommen aber die aktiven Inhaltsstoffe werden erst kurz vor dem Aufwachen freigesetzt.

Verbessere Deine Leistungsfähigkeit mit B・SYNC® NOW. B・SYNC NOW leistet einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Konzentrationsfähigkeit, der Wachheit und der Aufmerksamkeit während dem Tag. Die Mischung aus Koffein und Grüntee definiert die Art und Weise, wie Du Deinen Tag bewältigst, neu.* Mit seiner dualen Freisetzungstechnologie ermöglicht B・SYNC NOW einen sofortigen und gleichzeitig nachhaltigen Energieschub um stundenlang in Höchstform zu bleiben. ohne Koffein-crash.